Thursday 1 March 2012

Stuffed Karela

My husband is big fan of karela, he loves to eat Karela in any form even thought I don't like much still I used too prepare and have with him. I never new we can prepare stuffed karela but after seeing this recipe in TV show I modified according to my taste and prepared, trust me it comes out really nice.

Prep Time: 60 min
Cook Time: 20 min
Serves for: 4 persons


Karela - 2

Gram floor - 2tsp

Oil - 5tsp

Salt to taste

Chilly powder - 1tsp

For Stuffing:

Paneer - 1/2Cup

Onion - 1

Tomato - 1

Cheese - 2 slice (use 2tsp)

Green chili - paste 1/2tsp

Ginger Garlic paste- 1/2tsp

Garam masala - 1tsp

Coriander powder - 1/2tsp

Turmeric powder - 1/2tsp

Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

Cumin seeds- 1/2 tsp


Salt to taste

Direction For dough Preparation:

1. For removing the bitterness of Karela (bitter gourd), cut them in two halves and scope out all the seeds.

2. Rub salt on them and keep it for 20 min after that squeeze out all the water.

3. In boiling water add pinch of turmeric and add these Karela.

4. Boil them for 2-3 min.

5. Take away from water and let them dry for 10 min.

Direction For stuff Preparation:

1. Finely chop onion, tomato and coriander.

2. Scrumble the paneer in a bowl.

3. Add 2tsp of oil in frying pan, add Mustard seeds and Cumin seeds for seasoning.

4. Now add chopped onion, saute until the onion colour turns into golden.

5. Add Tomato and Scrumbled panner saute until the tomato become bit soft.

6. Add Chilly powder, Green chili paste and salt to taste (make sure taste as you’re adding both chilly powder and chilly paste)

7. Add all the spices (Garam masala, ginger garlic paste, Coriander powder, and Turmeric powder)

8. Add chopped coriander and saute the mixture for 1 min.

9. Remove above prepared stuffing, and let it cool.

Direction for Preparation:

1. Take Karela and fill the above filling in both halves, add slice of cheese between two halves of karela after filling the stuff and join them press bit so that it should not open while shallow frying(you can add more cheese according to your taste)

2. In frying pan add 3tsp oil and let it heat.

3. In a bowl mix Gram floor, salt and chili powder

4. Take above stuffed Karela and roll bit in above gram floor mixture.

5. Now shallow fry them in the hot pan for about 5 min, until Karela become soft.

6. Cut them into small pieces and serve hot with Chapatti or Rice.

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